Insurance refusing to cover your losses after a car accident?

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Alagood Cartwright Burke PC

Numerous Texas residents are involved in serious auto collisions every year, and many of them are left covering losses on their own after insurance providers refuse to offer fair compensation. It isn’t right. It isn’t something anyone should have to deal with on top of everything else they are going through after a car accident.

What can one do if this happens to them?

If this happens, auto accident victims do have options. No one has to accept an unfair settlement. It is okay to reject it. Those who do won’t walk away empty-handed. It just opens the door to negotiations.

Start by sending a demand letter, explaining one’s losses and what one thinks is fair compensation. Not sure how much that is? Legal counsel can help determine a proper amount and provide assistance drafting the demand letter. The insurance provider will either reject, accept or counter the proposal.

If the insurer counters, legal counsel can help one negotiate a fair settlement. If the proposal is rejected or negotiations fail to achieve acceptable terms, it may be possible to take the matter to court. Legal counsel can help one file the appropriate claim if litigation when circumstances warrant.

Get help ASAP

The sooner car accident victims seek help pursuing compensation, the better off they’ll be. Waiting too long may result in the loss of legal options, as there is a statute of limitations on pursuing civil claims in personal injury cases. An experienced personal injury attorney can review a victim’s case and, if appropriate, help them seek maximum relief.

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