How speeding while changing lanes can cause collisions

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Alagood Cartwright Burke PC

Driving at high speeds while changing lanes is a significant cause of vehicle accidents. As vehicles move at high speeds, the act of changing lanes becomes more complex, and the potential for severe consequences increases. Various factors can come together in a split second to cause a collision that can result in severe injuries.

Blind spots are an underestimated danger to drivers

Many drivers underestimate the danger of blind spots. These areas around a vehicle are not visible to the driver, even with the use of mirrors. Failing to check these blind spots before changing lanes can result in collisions, particularly if other vehicles are hidden in these areas. The risk increases when driving at high speeds due to the reduced reaction time, making it harder to detect and respond to vehicles in blind spots. High-speed lane changes and unseen vehicles in blind spots form a dangerous combination, escalating quickly to fatal accidents.

Misjudgment of other drivers’ reactions

At high speeds, drivers may underestimate how others might react to their rapid movement. For instance, a driver may see a speeding vehicle approach quickly from behind and decide to change lanes to avoid the other vehicle passing too closely. The speeding driver may not expect this move from the other driver and may decide to change lanes at the same time. This misjudgment can lead to both vehicles moving into the same lane simultaneously, potentially causing a collision.

Texas leads in speeding-related fatal crashes

Texas roadways, particularly on highways such as Interstate 35 and I-45, witness a high frequency of speeding-related fatal crashes. These highways, known for their high traffic volume, are hotspots for accidents caused by speeding. The lethal mix of speed and heavy traffic frequently leads to serious or even fatal accidents. Victims of these crashes have legal recourse. Speed, a significant factor in these fatalities, is well within a driver’s control. As such, failing to maintain safe speeds can be seen as the driver’s fault, and victims may seek legal help to receive compensation for their injuries.

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