Fatal accidents continue to be a problem in Texas

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Alagood Cartwright Burke PC

When drivers are behind the wheel, their primary responsibility is to keep their focus on the road so that they do not place themselves or others at an elevated risk of injury or death. However, phones, infotainment systems and many other things are distracting, and they can needlesslyincrease the chance of an accident, as well as speed, reckless driving and more. It has been two decades since Texas has had a day without a traffic fatality.

Sobering facts about driver behavior

According to the Texas Department of Transportation, there were 101 traffic fatalities in 2022. Speed played a role in many fatal accidents, particularly in rural areas. In fact, the number of fatal accidents in rural areas went up by 20% over the last year. Experts believe this is because drivers tend to drive faster through more sparsely populated areas, and speed typically increases the severity of a crash.

In other parts of the state, authorities point to distracted driving as a factor behind the high number of fatal accidents. Distraction includes eating, drinking, applying makeup, using a phone or even talking to a passenger. Even a single moment of distraction can have devastating consequences.

The impact of fatal accidents

Fatal accidents can devastate Texas families. Those left behind may be unsure of how to pick up the pieces and move forwardafter this type of event, but they do not have to navigate the aftermath alone. A personal injury attorney can provide insight regarding the legal options available, which may include a civil claim in pursuit of compensation.

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